Look around. The fabric upon which we relate to one another as people is being ripped apart. Those in power leverage their position simply to gain more power, while others are left fighting amongst each other for survival. While this statement seems defeatist it takes only a small survey of any media to see the cultural challenges we face. In the midst of the struggle we hear calls for love. Indeed, love is a power that can change the hearts of people, but everyone already knows that. Companies have leveraged the language of love in their advertisements and political candidates have done the same. The language of love operates on the assumption that if we invoke the word, we all will envision the same attributes and values. However, if you survey a group of randomly selected people, how many of us would expect that they all hold a similar definition of love? I wouldn’t. Too many of us have grown up with different experiences, have different hopes and dreams, and will land on different definitions of this catch-all word. Some hold to romantic notions, others sacrificial, while others focus on the duty of love. While all may hold truth, they vary enough to also strike discord among people.
So what do we do? We venture to do the impossible. We define love. Through other words and examples, we can build a robust and defendable definition, that points to the ultimate purpose of love: the revelation of Love, itself.